Fore Our Kids Golf Tournament
October 20, 2023
Fore Our Kids Golf Tournament
Join us for our 6th Annual Fore Our Kids Golf Tournament at Eagle Creek Golf Club
on October 20, 2023, benefitting Embrace Families.
Last year, Embrace Families programs benefited 8,314 children and teens in Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties. On any given day, we cared for 2,236 children and teens who were formally involved in the child welfare system, about 1,662 of whom were placed with an approved relative or family friend or a licensed foster caregiver. Our prevention-focused Embrace Families Solutions programs served an additional 697 children.
Discover more about our work and impact at EmbraceFamilies.org
A fun way to make a direct impact — we encourage you to sponsor, play in, donate to, or volunteer at this year’s golf tournament. After all, it’s FORE our kids!
There are many ways to get involved and make a difference.

About Embrace Families
Strong families. Strong communities.
At Embrace Families, we believe all kids deserve to grow up in safe, stable and loving homes.

For children unable to live with their parents due to neglect or abuse, a safe and loving home to “feel normal” again can make all the difference. As a foster parent, you can help provide the love, stability and structure needed during a scary and traumatic time.

Right now, hundreds dozens of children in foster care are awaiting a “forever family.” As an adoptive parent, you have the power to provide the unconditional love and support that will change a child’s life forever.

In an ideal world, no child would have to enter foster care. Support our efforts to prevent abuse and neglect by helping us to address child abuse prevention, family stability and youth success.

Register to Play
7:00 AM – Registration Opens, Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM – Shotgun Start, 4-person Scramble Format
1:00 PM – Lunch, Chance
Drawings, & Awards

Volunteer at Tournament
Share Your Time and Talents. Join Team Embrace Families on
Friday, October 20, 2023 and volunteer at this great event.
Fore Our Kids Golf Tournament
We would like to thank our Investors, whose generous support help make this tournament possible.